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New seats!

  • little jimny
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02 Aug 2012 13:06 #45352 by little jimny
New seats! was created by little jimny
I've always fancied a pair of Recaros since last having a pair in a Golf years ago. Anyway, a pair came up at a price that couldn't be ignored so I bought them. That was the easy part. Nobody makes sub-frames to fit Recaros into a Jimny :( The ORA ones are too narrow for the Recaro mountings, don't have a mount for seat belt clip and don't let you slide the seat, and all the 'universal' ones didn't look like they could cope with the uneven mounting points in the Jimny. Never mind, a kindly garage owner took the task on. The original Jimny sub-frames weren't suitable to modify because the metal sides rise up and would foul the reclining handle on the Recaros so he suggested getting a pair of Rover 25 sub-frames as a good base for modifying.
Here's the results;

They are soooooooooo comfortable! There are some downsides though. As you can see the seats now sit quite high. This was due to the location of the standard floor mounting points and the added height of having the slider mech of the Rover 25 sub-frame. The seats are a bit too wide for the car so the bolsters are snug against the door trim. I had to remove the outer recliner knobs and grind down the metal shaft because they fouled the door card. I've also had to remove the sunstrip because it was in the line of view. I'm 5'10" and can live with it, but anyone much taller would probably have their head rubbing off the roof lining and might struggle for leg room.

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  • JimnyX19
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02 Aug 2012 14:07 #45360 by JimnyX19
Replied by JimnyX19 on topic Re: New seats!
Nice seats look comfatable , when I had mine fitted by a mate who has his own garage he used jimny sub frames grinded the mechanisms off and leveled it , welded 2 strips of metal across and mounted my reclining seat to the metal strips . I can use the recliners and slide it back and forward but same downfall as you they are a bit higher than the original standard seats but I've got used to it now

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