A collection of articles on rebuilding James' SJ413

Lil Red - SJ restoration - The Stripdown!


In our conversations with https://www.winchfield.net/  they requested that we perform the initial strip down prior to transferring the vehicle over to them. It took a few evenings but we eventually got there!

There were a couple of new areas with rust but overall the general state of the SJ was very encouraging!

See the pictures and video below!

  1210 Hits

Lil Red - SJ restoration - Decals


The aim behind Lil Red, James' SJ, was to restore it to factory condition. With the numbers of SJs declining rapidly and many "upgraded" into rough and ready off-roaders, it seems only right to preserve one in original specification without any modifications.

So, having passed its MOT in August, the plans have been firming up to get it restored.

  1339 Hits
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