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The sound/noise insulation and vibration deadening properties of almost any vehicle (except high-end luxury vehicles) can be improved through the installation of various sound insulating and vibration deadening/damping materials.
Jimnys are no exception there. They are relatively cheap vehicles, and therefore they have relatively poor sound insulation applied from the factory.
The general principles of choosing and installing sound insulation and vibration deadening/damping materials in a Jimny are all the same as in most other vehicles, so educate yourself about them elsewhere. Also don't forget to factor in the work of dismantling the interior trim and assembling it back together.
Start educating yourself on this generic world Wikipedia article.
The good news regarding Jimnys in this process are:
- Their interior is relatively easy to dismantle;
- They are quite small vehicles, so they need relatively small amounts of material and relatively small amount work to apply them;
Examples of Jimnys with applied sound insulation
Most of these examples have been stumbled upon on the Internet. No evaluation of the quality or purposefulness of the work in them has been performed!
- Example 1 from Russia;
Page last edited on 21/02/2019 by user Bosanek