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There is an older guide on doing this somewhere, so someone should just copy it here and adjust.
The topic are universal joints on Jimnys three propeller shafts.
I know just the following:
The universal joints on all propeller shafts are the same.
The dimensions of a compatible universal joint have to be 63,8 mm x 25 mm.
Some older Jimnys use different (smaller) universal joints !?
Suzuki's OEM universal joints and most aftermarket ones which are listed for Jimnys come without grease nipples. If you manage to find a good quality compatible universal joint with a grease nipple (for example the ones meant for industrial machines or for construction machines), then better for you.
It is very important to mount all the prop shafts back exactly as they were, because they were balanced for that position in the factory!
Page last edited on 14/04/2018 by user Bosanek [Category:Howto]]