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Drive Belts
This section covers the engine drive belts, their configurations and adjustment. The Jimny has an Auxillary Belt (Fan Belt) and a Power Steering Belt.
There are a number of combinations and it is essential you get the correct belt.
G13BB with Power Steering
- PAS: Adjust mid point of belt between Pump and Crank (lower belt section) to 6 – 9 mm (0.24 – 0.35 in.) of flex by adjusting tensioner
Shop for V-Belts in BigJimny Shop
G13BB with Power Steering and Aircon
- PAS: Adjust horizontal (TOP) of belt to 3 – 4 mm (0.12 – 0.16 in.) of flex by adjusting tensioner
Shop for V-Belts in BigJimny Shop
M13AA with Power Steering
- Auxillary Belt - known part number for some models 95141-50F01
- PAS:Adjust mid point of belt between Pump and Crank (lower belt section) to 6 – 9 mm (0.24 – 0.35 in.) of flex by adjusting tensioner
Shop for V-Belts in BigJimny Shop
M13AA with Power Steering and Aircon
- Auxillary Belt - known part number for some models 95141-50F01
- PAS+Aircon Belt - known part number for some models 17521-52E00
- PAS: Adjust horizontal (bottom) of belt to 6 – 9 mm (0.24 – 0.35 in.) of flex by adjusting tensioner
Shop for V-Belts in BigJimny Shop
M13AA with Aircon
- Auxillary Belt - known part number for some models 95141-50F01
- Aircon: Adjust horizontal (bottom) of belt to 6 – 9 mm (0.24 – 0.35 in.) of flex by adjusting tensioner
Shop for V-Belts in BigJimny Shop
This section covers the Tensioners.
There basically two types of tensioner. One with a small centre and one with a large centre. The small ones are more common on the G13B engines and the large centre ones tend to be on the M13A series engines.
Small hole tensioner
- This is Suzuki part number 49160-82A00.
- If the bearing has worn, then it can be replaced by pressing the old bearing out.
- A suitable bearing is available in the BigJimny Shop HERE
Large hole tensioner
- This is Suzuki part number 49160-81A00.
- This tensioner is commonly called a "smilely tensioner" because of the appearance.
- If the bearing has worn then it can be replaced by pressing the old bearing out of the outer rim and pressing the smilely centre out.
- A suitable bearing is available in the BigJimny Shop HERE
Torque Settings
Full details of the torque settings can be found in the reference data
Page last edited on 20/09/2017 by user Bosanek