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- Being educated is the primary progressive drive of a human being - at lest when his other drives have been (temporarily) fulfilled.
- Being self-taught is a great thing, but it usually leaves a lot of holes in the knowledge and understanding of the matter, and may produce false conclusions and improper skills.
- Proper education in any activity is vital for proper introduction and understanding of the basics.
- The optimal expertise is gained when the self-learning is performed only after going through some formal ground education first.
- Just like in any other activity in life, all terrain driving is also a technique to be learned, and a very complex one.
- Developing bad habits in the beginning can lead to disastrous moves in difficult situations later on.
- Therefore, it is definitely recommended to learn some basic principles first, from acclaimed or authoritative experts.
- The best method of learning is going to an official all terrain training camp, where a real-life professional all terrain driving instructor will drive with you and teach you.
- In the absence of that option, at least viewing some videos or reading some books about proper all terrain driving is strongly recommended.
- Viewing such videos is also quite entertaining!
The lessons
- There are several all terrain driving teaching videos on the Internet.
- Only "Suzuki-branded" teaching videos in all terrain driving have been provided here.
- The lessons are being shown on a Suzuki Samurai, which has the most similar construction and 4WD transmission system design to the Jimny.
- Use Youtube or other services on the Internet to find other learning material (keywords: "4x4 / 4wd / off road" + "driving techniques", "how to drive off road", etc.).
These videos explain only the basics - do NOT make yourself believe that you are an expert after viewing them!
Suzuki 4WD techniques (part 1 of 2):
Suzuki 4WD techniques (part 2 of 2):
Suzuki Santana all terrain driving lessons:
- Enjoy applying the learned skills from these videos in the practice!
- Thread lightly and learn bit by bit!
- When driving off the road, drive as slow as possible and as fast as necessary!
- Do not drive recklessly off the road like you might seen in all terrain vehicle commercials or in all terrain vehicle reviews!
- Those flicks are intentionally made to be overly pompous and sensational, in order to gain as much revenue through the popularity in the masses.
- In other words:
- Try to have sex like in a porn flick, and you'll end up in a hospital.
- Try to drive like in a test drive flick, and you'll end up in a ditch (or in a service garage).
Page last edited on 26/09/2017 by user Bosanek