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- This is a popular upgrade, particularly on lifted Jimnys.
- It can significantly improve vehicle's road manners, and reduces vibrations endured by driver's hands when driving on hard gravel.
- All serious all terrain vehicles have factory installed steering dampers.
- Suzuki's vehicles do not, although they need it badly because they are so bumpy and twitchy.
- Suzuki probably skimped on that for cost reasons.
Benefits, issues and risks
- If you install a steering damper, it will significantly improve the steering feel.
- The steering in a Jimny is generally very light.
- With a steering damper, it will feel heavier in a positive sense (like you are driving a proper big 4WD vehicle), but will not be hard.
- Also, vehicle's "twitchy" behavior at dodgy tarmac roads will be significantly softened, and the shake while driving on gravel roads will be significantly cushioned.
- Having a steering damper should not negatively affect the life expectancy of the power steering system elements, as they are designed to turn the wheels with much more resistance than this steering damper actually adds.
- However, steering dampers do not eliminate "death wobble"!
- The frequency of the death wobble shake exceeds the damping capacity of the damper.
- You will need to cure the death wobble properly.
- The main issue that a damper cures is "tramlining", which is where the steering heads off in its own direction due to ridges in the road (as found on the inside lane of British motorways).
You might have to perform some vehicle recertification in some countries in order to make your steering damper installation road legal.
- There are several aftermarket-made steering dampers available around, which can be utilized on a Jimny.
- If you don't want anything flashy, the ordinary steering dampers made for Land Rover Discovery 1 have been found to be quite satisfactory, and they are usually cheap to buy online.
- One such steering damper is Armstrong STC786.
- A heavy-duty aftermarket-made steering damper may be a better choice for heavily modified Jimnys with oversized tyres.
- Since Jimny has no mounts for the steering damper, there are several "bolt on" kits available to buy.
- However, you can also weld on your own pieces of metal to make the mounts if you have that skill and do not mind to "burn" the vehicle.
- A typical bracket that bolts to the chassis rail to fit one end of damper, these are a bolt on solution rather than welding.
- A typical bracket that bolts to the steering bars to fit other end of damper.
- Detail of damper fitted to steering bar.
- Detail of damper fitted to chassis rail.
- Fully fitted damper using a Discovery Series 1 damper.
Page last edited on 26/09/2017 by user Bosanek