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(Added the Chinese playlist (separated from the Japanese playlist), and also removed some redundant links)
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=== Note for non-Latin languages ===
=== Note for non-Latin writing scriptures ===

Revision as of 06:14, 4 October 2017

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Main purpose

  • The purpose of this page is to simply compile the links to various professional, semi-professional and amateur reviews and advertisements of Jimnys.
  • For each review, a short comment about it (a review of review) should be written here.
  • A review can either be in the form of a video documentary, an audio documentary (rare) or a textual article.

  • Since Jimnys have been in production for the last 20 years, there are many reviews and advertisements of them through the years, worldwide.
  • It is interesting to see how the reviewers' stances, review styles and opinions about Jimnys have changed over the two-decade span.
  • The review or advertisement can be in any language, it just has to be placed in the corresponding language chapter.

  • Some reviews and advertisements also contain useful information like technical specifications (some of which are hard to find in case of old or obsolete Jimny editions, like DDiS).

The content

  • All kinds of reviews are included here, even badly conducted (or written) ones.
  • The purpose is that you can learn the difference between four types of reviewers:
    • amateur,
    • professional,
    • amateur idiot,
    • professional idiot.

  • The easiest way to spot an idiot doing the review is by observing their driving style - if they are driving like a bat outta' hell, then it's probably all about sensationalism and pomposity.

Gathering methods and contributors

  • Forum user Bosanek browsed Youtube far and wide, and gathered as much Jimny advertisments and reviews as he could find, grouping them into several language-centered Youtube playlists.
  • Most video reviews are currently externally collectively linked as a language-centered video playlists on Youtube, because it is a LOT of work to link each video independently here.
  • Once a Youtube playlist web page is accessed, each individual video from the playlist can then be separately invoked for playback.
  • There is no specific ordering of the videos in the playlists - videos were added into the playlists as they were encountered during wanderings through the vastness of Youtube.
  • If someone is willing to link each video here separately, they are welcome to do it!
  • There around 450 videos in total!

Sorting and categorizing methods

  • Language-based grouping of videos and articles is not ideal - there are cases where a language in the video or article does not correspond to the world region where the material was made.
  • Example is a review by a Russian in Russia, but in English language - it will still belong to the English language category.
  • There are also languages which are spoken is several distinct world regions, like English in UK, South Africa, Australia etc. and Portuguese in Portugal, Brazil, etc.
  • Each video or article is featured only in one language category (so no double-categorization).
  • The only exception are videos and articles about diesel (DDiS) Jimnys - they are featured in the DDiS chapter AND the corresponding language chapter too.
  • Language chapters are ordered in alphabetical order.
  • If someone notices that a certain video or article is in the wrong language category, inform user Bosanek of the error.

Note for non-Latin writing scriptures

  • Due to a different writing scripture than Latin, it is very hard to find all relevant videos and reviews in the following languages:
    • Arabic
    • Ukrainian
    • Russian
    • Serbian
    • Greek
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Chinese
    • Hebrew

  • Users who are familiar with their writing scripts could find more such videos.
  • There is a chance that these language categories might contain videos in other languages by mistake (for example, Chinese and Korean in the Japanese chapter, etc.).

Speechless / Textless reviews

  • This chapter contains all language-independent reviews - where (almost) nothing is written or spoken in any language.
  • The reviews in this chapter come from all over the world, and may feature a Jimny edition which is specific only to the local region.
  • This is by far the largest category regarding videos, and is very diverse in types and styles of featured content - from simple "walkarounds" in saloons, over pompous advertisements, to elaborate field tests.
  • Most of these kind of reviews feature awful, loud, pretentious, pompously, hard-core rock or techno music - you may want to turn off your speakers for better enjoyment!



  • This language is primarily spoken in China as well as in Taiwan.
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.



  • This language is primarily spoken in the Netherlands.
  • Its very similar variant called "Afrikaans" is also spoken is several countries in south Africa.
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.


  • This category contains videos from all over the world, and not just from English-speaking countries like Australia or South African Republic.
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.


  • This language is primarily spoken in the Philippines.
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.










  • Most of the content in this language was made in south America, especially in Brazil.
  • The popularity of Jimnys has exploded in Brazil in the mid-2010s, and hence the large number of videos over there.
  • There is a chance that this category could also contain videos in Spanish language by mistake (please report such cases).



  • There is a chance that this category could also contain videos in other slavic languages by mistake (please report such cases).
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.



  • A lot of the content in this language was also made in South America (for example in Colombia).
  • There is a chance that this category could also contain videos in Portuguese language by mistake (please report such cases).
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.


  • There is a chance that this category could also contain videos in other Slavic languages by mistake (please report such cases).
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.


  • This chapter contains all reviews written or spoken in any of the four (essentially the same) languages: Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin.
    • They will be collectively called a "Yugoslav" language.
  • Reviews which are written or spoken in Slovenian and Macedonian languages are also included in this chapter.
    • Reason: although they are quite different from the above four languages, those two countries were also part of Yugoslavia.

Article from Croatian newspaper "Jutarnji list" from 2008

  • This is a hands-on practical review of the Jimny model.
  • The emphasis is on what to expect from second hand Jimnys (performance, reliability, standard issues), based on writer's market experience.
  • Contains some information and tips on DDiS Jimnys as well.
  • Written by a mechanical engineer with a doctorate level education.
  • Written in year 2008.

Link to the article

DDiS (diesel) Jimnys

  • These reviews can also be found in their corresponding language categories.
  • They have also been grouped here, since it is generally quite hard to find any information about DDiS Jimnys.
  • This is the only "double categorization" case in this article.
  • Here is the Youtube playlist.

Page last edited on 4/10/2017 by user Bosanek