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* Here are installation [https://www.suzuki-jimny.info/forum/index.php?thread/23056-pkcologne-s-kiste/&postID=291159#post291159 report 1] and [https://www.suzuki-jimny.info/forum/index.php?thread/23056-pkcologne-s-kiste/&postID=297329#post297329 report 2] from a German guy.
* Here are installation [https://www.suzuki-jimny.info/forum/index.php?thread/23056-pkcologne-s-kiste/&postID=291159#post291159 report 1] and [https://www.suzuki-jimny.info/forum/index.php?thread/23056-pkcologne-s-kiste/&postID=297329#post297329 report 2] from a German guy on a Jimny 3.

Revision as of 07:27, 27 February 2019

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Note Icon.pngThis article is just an embryo. It is an idea for someone to "pick up" onto and to expand the article further.


This article should deal with the topic of installing additional antennas on a Jimny, either for the purpose of better infotainment radio reception (for listening to commercial radio stations) or for the purpose of the ability of performing dedicated radio communication when traveling through remote areas.

Solution 1


Page last edited on 27/02/2019 by user Bosanek