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Daniel30 wrote: Yeah I know what you meen when I first got my Jim just the left speaker worked so you can imagine just one of those speakers working it was torture
I would have preferred to listen to the transmission and tyre noise than one standard jimny speaker.
Thanks Gus, the jimny is used every day and I hope that if I look after it, it will look after me. I would love to do the big lift, snorkel mud tyres etc but I have to be realistic.
gusthegorilla wrote: It's the little things that make such a big difference, jim, real confidence-boosters
The new ignition coils arrived this morning. After fitting them I went for a long drive and sat in some traffic and fingers crossed there hasn't been any power loss. Accelerates like it use to again. I should have suspected they were on their way out when I had to replace the ignition leads a year ago. Being in the location that they are in, It must be the heat from the engine that eventually causes them to fail.
I wanted to repaint my calipers as they had a nice film of surface rust, but instead I just left this job to rust converter to do its magic. It's also easily wiped off unlike caliper paint.
Today I fitted the 3 transfer box mounts. The 3 bottom nuts came off easily but I had to remove both the arms to use heat on the top 3. The decade old ones were softer and compressed more easily but they hadnt deteriorated as much as I had thought.
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