Those of you who follow Shropshire Suzuki will know that Gary (jimny_gary) is building an off-roading Jimny. Gary has built a couple of Jimnys in the past (see and this time is putting together a pair of donor Jimnys into another off-roading beast. The full build story can be found on Shropshire Suzuki.

I have put a few of the build pictures below.....


The most common question asked about Jimnys is "Whats the largest size tyres I can fit" and the most common reply is "How much of the wheel arches are you prepared to cut off". Gary has kindly documented the wheel arch trimming process during his latest build and has sent it in to BigJimny for everyone to benefit. Many thanks to Gary, the article is HERE.



The bodywork donor Jimny

The running gear donor Jimny

 Stripping out the old parts from the body donor.

Part of the wheel arch trimming

A nice set of rear shock mounts!

Fitting the Jimnybits 3" lift kit.