Heated mirrors

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If your vehicle already has heated external mirrors from the factory, you don't need to read this article. Enjoy life.

As far as it is known, all Jimnys have electrically adjustable (but not electrically folding) external mirrors. However, only some high-specification Jimnys have heated external mirrors.



A common belief is that heated mirrors were introduced in 2006, at the same time when 2nd generation front bumper was introduced. However, it appears that heated mirrors were added as a factory option sometime around 2001. That information is based on a fact that the wiring for heated mirrors is clearly explained for the first time in Suzuki's wiring diagram dated from 2001.

Mirror itself

Replacing your existing non-heated mirrors with heated mirrors should be a bolt-on job, but you will probably have to install additional wiring. No user reports of actual installation exist yet.


Heated mirrors share the same button/switch with the rear window heater.

Rear window heater switch exists in two editions.

The older edition of the switch is rectangular, and is used in every Jimny with 1st generation console (1998-2005). It is located just below the red "emergency lights" switch.

The newer edition of the switch is round, and is used in every Jimny with 2nd generation console (2006-today). It is is located just right / left to the cluster of "2WD/4WD/4WD-L" electric transfer box buttons (in LHD / RHD vehicles respectively).


Regarding the wiring, refer to a corresponding wiring diagram manual for your vehicle revision (and for donor's vehicle revision if needed). You can determine the exact name of the corresponding document in a wiki article "Manuals and Owners Guides". Search for "mirror heater" and for "heated mirror" within the wiring manual.

Page last edited on 3/02/2017 by user Bosanek